How to spot red flags in a relationship before it’s too late
12 Min Read

First and foremost, healthy relationships are bound by trust, respect, open communication, and shared values. However, this privilege is not bestowed upon everyone, hence the urgent need to spot warning signs much before you become a victim of emotional harm and make sense of the future for yourself. This book will help you know more about the warning signs, why they matter, and what you can do about them.

spot red flags in a relationship

1. No Communication

Communication is one of the most basic things in any good relationship. The lack of it can bring about a sense of disconnection or emotional isolation to the person. When individuals never seem to have an open and honest discussion in which each involves his/her self but may get closed down or only speak on the surface level, it is an indicator of emotional disconnection. No communication means no issues are solved nor can people connect effectively.


    • Avoiding important discussions.
    • Avoidance of your thoughts and feelings.
    • Conversations only about one self.


    Lack of proper communication eventually would lead to misunderstandings, unmet needs, and resentment. The lack of communication over time eats away at the emotional bond, making it hard to maintain a positive connection.

    2. Controllership

    Perhaps, controlling behavior is the worst relationship red flag. It may begin in such petty and silly ways but, more often than not, escalates further down the track. A controlling partner tries to control your choices, actions, or who you spend time with.

    • Always checking your phone and social media.
    • You’re isolated from friends and family.
    • Has orders for your decisions, like what to wear or go to.

    Why it Matters:

    Control takes away your freedom and individuality, in the end rendering you impotent and leaving you with very little self-respect. At its worst extreme, such destructive behavior can progress into emotional or even physical abuse.

    3. Continuous Criticism

    Others give great advice and also constructive criticism. Criticism 24/7 is another thing, though. And when your partner is commenting on all aspects of your appearance, intellect, behavior, or religion, it is a huge red flag. Eventually, it may undermine your self-esteem and happiness.

    Red Flags:
    • Comments about your physical appearance or personality that deflate you.
    • They only frequently remind you of your weaknesses and never have one thing nice to say.
    • They just keep telling you what can’t be done right.

    Why it Matters:
    Prolonged negativity can strip away your self-esteem and make you feel that you are not deserving of love or respect at all. A good relationship should raise you up, not tear you down.

    4. Lack of Trust

    Trust needs to exist to strengthen a relationship. Since distrust cannot be fully locked away because it is naturally never secure, it’s difficult to build a trust that’s completely safe.

    You can derive distrust either from a cheating past or from an unfounded, unidentified lack of trust. It’s a sign that the relationship is not as grounded as it appears.


    • They accuse you of cheating without reason
    • Checking your phone, emails, or social media
    • They have the feeling of placing you under a microscope or on exhibit.

    It matters because a relationship without trust is unstable. Continued suspicions can cause anxiety, emotional exhaustion, and unnecessary conflict. Trust issues have to be addressed early before they cause permanent damage.

    5. Disrespect and Dismissiveness

    Respect forms a foundation for any healthful relationship. When your partner continues to disrespect your boundaries, dismiss your feelings, or makes decisions without consulting you, that is a red flag.


    • You often feel that your opinions are being ignored or treated lightly.
    • You’re never considered, and you’re never considered while making a decision.
    • A lot of decisions made without discussing with you at all.

    Why it Matters:

    When your spouse disrespects and belittles your boundaries, it reflects their lack of importance in your life. A person who constantly disregards your feelings or thoughts isn’t concerned with your comfort or well-being.

    6. Jealousy and Possessiveness

    While jealousy in some relationship is okay, extreme jealousy and possessiveness are huge red flags. That usually indicates insecurity, though it can easily transition into trying to control you and manipulate your feelings.

    • You find them always asking where you are going and with whom
    • They anger and upset you when you spend time around others
    • They try to gain control over your social life.
    • Possessiveness can isolate friends and family, thus creating a co-dependent and not-so-healthy dynamic. The point however is to maintain those boundaries and face the jealousy before it turned sour.

    7. Emotional Manipulation

    Manipulation by emotions is a subtle, yet dangerous mode of control. The manipulator uses guilt, fear, or another emotion to get what they want. Their behavior is difficult to detect, but in many cases, that is exactly the effect it leaves the victim: confused, guilty, or anxious.


    • You are being given guilt trips or blamed for their mistakes.
    • Gaslighting: Doubting your reality.
    • Applying emotional outbursts to change your behavior.

    Why it Matters:

    Emotional manipulation can corrode your identity and make you feel like you’re trapped within this relationship. That’s a huge red flag you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to.

    8. Unequal Effort

    A relationship takes two people’s efforts. If your partner is only interested when it suits them or only puts in minimal effort, you’re probably dealing with a person who has no commitment or respects the other in any way.

    Red Flags

    • Cancels plans repeatedly at the last minute.
    • Lack of meeting of emotional or physical needs.
    • only interest in issues that suit his or her own motives.

    Why is it Important?

    Relationships are two-way streets where both parties should equally contribute towards the relationship. Inconsistent effort usually creates frustration, feelings of being neglected, and will ultimately lead to the total breakdown of the relationship.

    9. Physical or Emotional Abuse

    Any kind of abuse, whether it’s physical, emotional, or verbal, is a big red flag. Abuse cannot be tolerated in any relationship. Early signs should be recognized and help should be sought.



    • Physical harm: Pushing or hitting.
    • Threats of violence or harm.
    • Emotional manipulation or belittling repeatedly.

    Why it Matters:

    Abuse will never be tolerated and may bring a lot of emotional and psychological distress that can even linger for years. Should you notice red flags, do not hesitate to consult advice from trusted friends, family, or any professional.

    When You See Red Flags

    Just because something is spread out in your relationship does not mean you should turn a blind eye on it. Here’s what you could do:

    • Express your feelings: Bring these issues to the fore in front of your partner, and let them work out a response to that behavior. At times, people do not even know what the issue is.
    • Set boundaries: Clearly be open about which behaviors are unacceptable and keep on enforcing that boundary.
    • Professional help: Therapists and counselors can assist you and your partner in dealing with issues in a healthy manner.
      Know how to leave: If the red flags are serious, or if the problematic behavior continues despite your efforts, it may be time to leave the relationship for your own good.


    1.What are some early signs of an unhealthy relationship?

    Some early signs of an unhealthy relationship are poor communication, disrespect, emotional manipulations, or a lack of trust in that relationship. These often escalate if not addressed.

    2. How do I know my partner is controlling me?

    Behaviors characteristic of controlling behavior include spied activities, preventing you from visiting your friends and family, and authoritative unilaterally making decisions without your input.

    3. Can jealousy destroy a relationship?

    Yes, extreme jealousy can become possessiveness and controlling. These are traits that can crush any trust or emotional intimacy in a relationship..

    4. What should one do when a red flag is seen in the connection with a partner? End:

    Talk over the issues with your partner and set forth some strong boundaries while seeking professional advice, if needed. At that point, if the offensive behavior is still not curative, then this relationship may be of the end.

    5. Do red flags automatically call for the end of a relationship?

    Not necessarily. Some red flags can easily be resolved with communication and work. But others, like abuse or extreme control, must be left immediately for your protection.

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